Instructor Dr. Meral ÖZTÜRK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 210
Instructional Design and Management in ODL
Material Development in ODL
Language Teaching
Special Education

300 33 60
School of Foreign Languages
(Director of School)
300 33 60
Foreign Languages Department
(Head of Department)

Instructor Dr. Caner GÜREL

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 210-A
English Language and Literature
Artificial Intelligence and English Literature
Modern/ Post-Modern English Novel
Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Literature

300 33 62
School of Foreign Languages
(Deputy Director of School)
300 33 62
Foreign Languages Department
(Assistant Head of Department)

Instructor Ümit Levent DEĞİRMENCİOĞLU

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 212
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Second Language Acquisition
Intercultural Competence and Communication
Teacher Training

300 37 80
School of Foreign Languages
(Deputy Director of School)
300 37 80
Foreign Languages Department
(Assistant Head of Department)

Instructor Dr. Ahmet Cihat YAVUZ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 213
Differentiated Instruction
English Medium Instruction
Teacher Education
Second Language Acquisition

300 33 63
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Aydın FIRAT

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 224-A
Translation and Cultural Studies
Children's Attitudes towards Foreign Language Learning
English for Specific Purposes

300 33 75
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Hossein TURNER

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
English Language Teaching
English Literature Teaching
Sociology Of Technology

808 11 00
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Leyla DENİZ ERTAŞOĞLU

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
Cultural adaptation
Turkish as a second language
Foreign languages
Cultural studies

300 33 74
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Melek KAYMAZ MERT

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 317
History of Political Thoughts
Turkish Political History
Teaching English to Adults

300 36 45
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Miranda KARJAGDIU ÇOLAK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 234-D
Pluralistic approaches
Quality assurance
Teacher competences and professional development
Project Management

300 33 71
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Özgü ŞEKER

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 223-C
Literature in Teaching a Foreign Language
Reading and Writing Skills
Literature, Discourse, and Language Relation
English Language and Literature

300 35 82
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dr. Zeynep Selin ASLAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 318
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
Second Language Acquisition
Cross-cultural Studies

300 36 50
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Abdurrahman KUTLUAY

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 110-A
Teaching language skills
Teacher autonomy
Language and culture
Testing and assessment

300 33 76
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Ayşe VATANSEVER

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 317
Task-based Language Teaching
Flipped Learning
Artificial Intelligence Use in Education
Model United Nations

300 33 57
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Aytül KANAT TUTUŞAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 117
Teaching English through drama
English for academic purposes
Professional development

300 33 78
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Bahattin ASLAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 210-A
Translation and Cultural Studies
Sociology of Language
Language Teaching

300 37 85
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Burak AKYOL

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
Dynamic Assessment
Use of Technology in ELT
Second Language Acquisition
Attitudes towards Language

300 38 85
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Burcu ÜNYILMAZ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
English Language Teaching
Vocabulary teaching
Online Language Learning

808 11 44
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Cansu TUNA

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
Foreign Language Education
L2 Vocabulary Teaching
English Language Teaching
Assessment and Evaluation

808 10 21
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Ceren ŞENTÜRK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 223-B
English Language Teaching
Translation and Interpreting Training
Cognitive Approaches to Interpreting Studies
Creativity in Humor Translation

808 11 36
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Dilah KAYI

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220

300 33 80
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Eda Nur ÖZCAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 233C
Material Development
Global Education
Critical Pedagogy

300 36 66
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Elif ATALI

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 117
Effective CALL
Language teacher reflection
Material design for TEFL
Language classroom climate

300 36 83
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Elifnur DAYIOĞLU EYCAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 117
English Language and Literature
Comparative Literature
Literary Theories
Ecofeminism Studies

300 36 15
Foreign Languages Department
( )

Instructor Elvan ŞENTÜRK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 117
Teaching English to Young Learners
English for Specific Purposes
Professional Development
Assessment and Evaluation

300 33 70
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Emre EKİNCİ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 110-A
English Language Teaching
Second Language Acquisition
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
English for Specific Purposes

300 33 68
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Figen TOPRAK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 318
Cultural Studies
Testing and Assessment
Drama in ELT
Teaching English as a Foreign Language

300 33 84
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Hasan Cem ÖZEMRE

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 224-D
English Language Teaching for Young Adults
English Material Design
English Language Teaching for Adults
Teaching Integrated Skills of English

300 33 82
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Hasan Hüseyin ŞAHİN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 317
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Evaluation and Assessment in ELT
Technology and Strategy Training in ELT
Teaching English to Young Learners

300 33 83
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Hatice Seda YILMAZ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 317

300 37 69
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Hüseyin KORKMAZ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 117
English Language Teaching
Technology Use in Foreign Language Teaching
Second Language Acquisition
Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety

300 35 85
Foreign Languages Department
( )

Instructor Kubilay KAZANCI

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 224-A
Web 2.0 Tools in Education
21st Century Skills
Collaborative Learning
E-Learning Technologies

300 37 72
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Kübra KUYCAK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
English Language Teaching
Vocabulary Teaching
Teaching English to Young Learners
Second Language Acquisition

300 34 90
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Magdalena Maria KESKİN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 214
ELT (ingilizce öğretmenlik)
course planning (kurs planlama)
teacher development (mesleki gelişim)
ESP (Özel amaçlar için ingilizce)

300 36 46
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Merve YILMAZER

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 318
Second Language Acquisition
Vocabulary Teaching
Lg Learner Beliefs, Perceptions, Attitudes
English Language Teaching

300 33 79
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Onat KÜÇÜK

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 318
Extramural English Language Learning
Educational Psychology in Language Teaching
Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Foreign Language Teacher Training

808 11 18
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Özge ÇALIŞKAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 213
English Language Teaching
Discourse Analysis
Assessment and Evaluation
Portfolio Analysis

300 34 60
School of Foreign Languages
( )


Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
Teaching English to Young Learners
Material Development in ESL
Individual Differences in Teaching Languages
Teaching English as a Foreign Language

300 33 85
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Özlem CENGİZ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 234-D
Reflective Teaching
Teacher Training
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Teaching Strategies

300 37 18
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Peace Chukwuemeka CHIEKE

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 318
Creatıve Wrıtıng
Discourse Analysıs
Integrated Marketıng Communications

808 11 00
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Pınar CEYLAN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 317

300 33 86
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Pınar KETANCI

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 212
English Language Teaching
Teaching English to Young Learners
Technology in Foreign Language Education
Task-based Language Teaching

School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Rıza BATIR

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 234-D

300 33 87
School of Foreign Languages
( )

300 39 41
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Seda MERTER ATAYGÜL

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 223 B
Material Design
Multiple intelligence
Vocabulary teaching
English as a foreign language

808 10 07
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Sevim İŞGÜVEN

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 213
Foreign Language Education
English Language Teaching
Material Development in ELT
Student Burnout

300 34 99
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Sıdıka ÖZEMRE

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 224-B
English Literature
English for Specific Purposes
Teaching English as a Foreign Language

808 11 31
School of Foreign Languages
( )

300 36 15
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Şenay AKKUŞ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 220
Teacher Education
Technology Use in Language Teaching
English as a Foreign Language
Second Language Acquisition

300 38 26
School of Foreign Languages
( )

Instructor Tuğba KARADENİZ

Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 223-B
Teaching English As A Language
Philosophical Anthropology
Philosophy of Language

300 33 88
School of Foreign Languages
( )


Yıldırım Bayezid Yerleşkesi A Blok / 317
English as a foreign language
Russian as a foreign languages

School of Foreign Languages
( )