Frequently Asked Questions
1. If I register at Bursa Technical University, am I required to take preparatory education?

Students enrolled in undergraduate programs at Bursa Technical University that are partially (30%) or fully (100%) conducted in a foreign language must successfully complete preparatory education or meet the exemption requirements to begin their education in their departments. Students not meeting the exemption requirements must complete preparatory education before starting their undergraduate studies.

2. What is the duration of the preparatory class?
The preparatory class lasts two semesters and consists of 4 quarters. Each quarter is composed of 7 weeks of classes and 1 week of exams, totaling 8 weeks.

3. What are the level groups in the preparatory class?
For undergraduate students in programs related to a specific foreign language, such as English Translation and Interpreting:
B1+ Level
B2 Level
B2+ Level
C1 Level

For undergraduate students in other compulsory or optional English preparatory programs:
A2 Level
B1 Level
B1+ Level
B2 Level

4. Can I get general information about the teaching materials?
The materials used in the BTU preparatory programs are designed to stimulate interest and motivation according to linguistic and social needs. Our course materials focus on a communicative approach, aiming to develop all language skills together. Our lessons enhance fluency, strengthen grammatical knowledge, and expand vocabulary. They provide both measurable progress and a sense of tangible achievement. The materials build individual motivation through goals such as verbal practice, timed activities, and performance assessment. A consistent and structured study system is applied at every learning level. For detailed information about the materials, please click here.

5. At which level will I start my preparatory education?
At the beginning of the academic year, a Placement Test (BTÜSTS) is conducted to determine the foreign language level of newly registered students who are required to attend the preparatory class. This exam consists of two separate sessions: a multiple-choice exam covering grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension and a speaking exam. Based on the results of this exam, students are placed into classes that match their language proficiency level. For detailed information on exemption and level determination, please click here.

6. How many hours of classes are offered per week in the preparatory classes?
Apart from the repeat groups, 20-24 hours of face-to-face classes per week (depending on the level) are provided for A2, B1, B1+, B2, B2+, and C1 levels. In addition to face-to-face lessons, students are also required to complete asynchronous activities on the BTU School of Foreign Languages Learning Environment (LEARN).

7. Is class attendance mandatory?
Yes. In each quarter, students are required to attend at least 85% of the total face-to-face class hours. Attendance records are only valid for the current quarter and are reset at the beginning of each new quarter. Attendance records can be tracked through the OBS system.

To determine how many hours a student must attend, the total number of class hours, excluding holidays, is taken into account. For example, if 147 class hours are held in a quarter, the student is allowed 22 hours of absence in that quarter. However, in cases of public holidays, snow days, etc., the hours of classes that could not be held are deducted from the total class hours of that quarter, and then the 85% attendance rate is calculated. For example, if 147 class hours are planned for a quarter according to the official schedule, but three school days are unexpectedly canceled due to reasons such as weather conditions, we would calculate 147-(3x5)=132 class hours for that quarter. The student would then be allowed a maximum of 19 hours of absence in that quarter.

8. Where can I get the preparatory class textbooks?
At the beginning of the Fall Semester, publishers set up promotion and sales desks in the Education Building of Yıldırım Bayezid Campus to facilitate the purchase of textbooks. You can obtain your textbooks from these desks or directly from the publishers' sales offices.

9. Can I use unlicensed or photocopied textbooks?
Under the "Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846," the use of pirated or photocopied books is strictly prohibited. Students are individually responsible for any consequences that may arise from the use of pirated or photocopied books.

10. My cumulative assessment is over 70, but I exceeded the attendance limit. Do I need to repeat the level?
Students who exceed the attendance limit must repeat the same level regardless of their cumulative assessment.

11. Can I get general information about the in-term exams and assessment system?
Throughout the four quarters at our school, students take the exams listed in the Assessment-Evaluation Table. To be considered successful, students are expected to achieve an average score of at least 70 out of 100 on exams and assignments. In order to successfully complete a quarter, the average score of the midterm exams, assignments, projects, presentations, and the final exam within the quarter must be 70 or above out of 100. Students with an attendance rate below 85% are considered unsuccessful and must repeat their current level.

12. Are there any important things I should know regarding exams and other assessments?

  • Exams begin at the time announced in the exam schedule. The exam schedule will be posted on classroom boards and on the website.
  • Students must be present in the exam room at least 15 minutes before the exam starts.
  • Students cannot enter the exams without their student ID.
  • Students must sign the exam attendance sheet.
  • Before the exam, mobile phones and, if applicable, smartwatches must be turned off and handed over to the exam proctor. They will be returned after the exam.
  • Students arriving more than 30 minutes after the exam has started will not be allowed into the exam room. Note: Late students are not allowed to take the "Listening" exam, as an audio recording is conducted during the Listening exams. (No student is allowed to leave the exam room within 30 minutes of the start of the exam.)

13. What is "plagiarism"? Why is it important to avoid it?
"Plagiarism" is the act of knowingly or unknowingly using someone else's ideas or opinions without proper attribution and presenting them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense.

In cases of copying during exams, assignments, projects, and presentations or using any part or the whole of a source without proper citation, the assessment result will be ‘zero.’ The content students use in their assignments, projects, and presentations is checked through the "Turnitin" program used by our university to prevent plagiarism.

14. What can I do if the exam results are not what I expected?
Students may appeal their exam grades by submitting a petition. To file an appeal, a written request must be submitted within 3 days from the date the exam results are announced. The petition available on our website can be submitted to the Directorate of the School of Foreign Languages. The Exam Review Commission will re-evaluate the exams under appeal, and the students who submit appeals will be informed of the outcome.

For the petition form, please click here.

15. How will my attendance be affected if I have a medical report?
First, you must submit your medical report to the student affairs office at our school. If your medical leave is for at least 3 days, your absence is recorded as excused in the system, and it does not affect your allowed absence for the quarter. However, for medical reports covering less than 3 days, the absence is deducted from your allowed absence quota.

For the petition form, please click here.

16. I couldn’t take the exam or submit the assignment due to a medical report. Can I take the makeup exam/assignment?
If you have a medical report on the day of an exam or assignment, you must submit it to the student affairs office at our school. Once you have submitted it, you will be allowed to take the makeup exam/assignment. All makeup exams/assignments are conducted during the last week of each quarter before the final exams. The date and time information will be shared on our website in advance. Please follow the updates regularly.

For the petition form, please click here.

17. If I fail the English Preparatory Class, can I retake it?

Students who voluntarily attend the English Preparatory Class cannot retake the preparatory education if they are unsuccessful.

In accordance with the decision made by the Bursa Technical University Senate on 16/05/2024 (decision no. 2024-8-1), changes to the School of Foreign Languages Education-Teaching and Examination Directive allow compulsory preparatory class students, if unsuccessful, to either continue their preparatory education from the level they failed at, if they request to do so, or prepare for the BTÜYDS or other exams accepted by the Senate by improving their language skills on their own. Additionally, if they apply, these students can be placed in another program/university offering Turkish education through ÖSYM.

18. I successfully completed the preparatory class level required by my department before the end of the academic year. Should I wait until the end of the year to move into my department?
For undergraduate students whose field of study is related to a foreign language, such as English Translation and Interpretation:
If a student successfully completes the highest level, C1, at the end of the first or second quarter, they can move on to their department and take department courses in the second semester (Spring Semester). Students who successfully complete the C1 level at the end of the third quarter will wait until the new academic year to take department courses.

Note: Students who successfully complete the B2+ level at the end of the second quarter may move to their departments if they take the BTÜYDS exam held at the end of the Fall Semester and pass.

For undergraduate students in other compulsory or optional English preparatory programs:
If students successfully complete the highest level, B2, at the end of the first or second quarter, they can take department courses in the second semester (Spring Semester). Students who successfully complete the B2 level at the end of the third quarter will wait until the new academic year to take department courses.

Note: Students who successfully complete the B1+ level at the end of the second quarter may move to their departments if they take the BTÜYDS exam held at the end of the Fall Semester and pass.

19. How can I share my requests, suggestions, and complaints with you during my education?
-You can directly request a face-to-face meeting with our instructors or assistant directors by scheduling an appointment.
-For your requests and complaints, you can contact our School's Student Affairs Unit located in Office 217-C either in person or by phone.
-You can also reach us via email at ogrenci.ydyo@btu.edu.tr.
-Additionally, you can place your written requests, suggestions, or complaints, with or without your name, into the suggestion boxes located in the corridors of the 2nd and 3rd floors of the school building.