Feedback Cycle at BTU SFL
List of abbreviations:
- LOQA: Lesson observations for quality and accreditation
- AC: Academic coordinator
- LC: Level coordinator
- TC: Testing coordinator
- SA: Student activities
- SC: Statistics coordinator
- CPD: Continuous professional development
- OPD: Optional professional development sessions
- QAC: Quality and accreditation committee
- PDR: Performance development review
Feedback is at the center of all decisions made at BTU SFL. Collecting and analyzing valuable feedback from students and instructors ensures that the decisions and action plans are grounded in evidence and based on thoughtful and critical data evaluation. It also aids us in reflecting on our actions and maintaining an inquiry-based approach to task implementation. Several feedback collection strategies are regularly implemented at BTU SFL to gather large quantities of reliable data. Most importantly, after feedback is collected, analyzed, and disseminated, it feeds into the next planning stages and forms a basis for developing our curriculum, continuous professional development activities, student activities, etc. The figure below illustrates feedback collection techniques at BTU SFL.
Feedback from instructors is gathered through anonymous questionnaires sent by the SC in the last week of the quarter. The Statistics Coordinator sends the questionnaire on Monday, week 7, and responses are collected until the end of Friday, week 7. The questionnaire includes questions about course materials, course documentation, assessment, etc. The instructors are also encouraged to voice their suggestions and ideas on issues not directly related to course planning, providing a safe environment to share any critical insights. The SC analyzes the results of the questionnaire and prepares a report. The report is shared with the AC, the TC, and the LCs before the end-of-quarter meeting. This allows the LCs to get feedback on the course design for their respective levels and prepare for the upcoming level feedback discussions after the end-of-quarter general meeting. The Testing Office receives important feedback on the assessment they created, which helps them further improve the quality and reliability of designed exams and assignments.
During the end-of-quarter meeting, teachers are welcomed to share their feedback during level-focused discussion groups moderated by the LCs. The LCs note all comments and share them with the AC and the management in the meeting minutes document. Having taught at a given level for several weeks before the meeting, the instructors can offer detailed feedback on all aspects of the course. The collaborative atmosphere of the discussions fosters impromptu brainstorming and usually results in a list of potential suggestions and solutions to improve the course design at each level of proficiency.
Apart from feedback collection strategies already implemented in Q1, three other methods are implemented in the second quarter of the academic year. Peer observations allow teachers to get constructive feedback on their teaching practice. Before the observations occur, the paired instructors meet to discuss focus areas they would like their partner to pay extra attention to. Moreover, the observation forms are designed along the principles of reflective teaching practice, guiding the instructors through all stages of lesson observations. The CPD team analyzes all pre- and post-observation forms and prepares a report, which is shared with the AC. The analysis of the report aids the CPD team in planning future OPD sessions and lesson observations.
BTU SFL students discuss any relevant issues with the Assistant Directors during student representative meetings. Apart from topics related to the course content and extra-curricular activities, issues related to the school's administration, such as lunch facilities or lesson schedules, are usually thoroughly discussed. A detailed report prepared by the Assistant Director responsible for student affairs is shared with the management and the AC. Relevant parts of the report are also shared with other workgroups, such as level workgroups or the SA office.
Feedback is also gathered from BTU SFL graduates who successfully passed BTU SFL courses and were able to start education in their departments. This allows for an investigation into the sustainability of the skills students acquire at BTU SFL and an analysis of the suitability of the content taught at BTU SFL for the students’ further academic studies. Feedback is gathered through a questionnaire sent to 1st-year students from departments with mandatory English education. A detailed report is later prepared by the BTU Statistics Department and shared with BTU SFL.
Quarter 3
Apart from the strategies mentioned above, the third quarter marks the second stage of BTU SFL needs analysis. This time, current BTU SFL students are consulted and asked for feedback on their learning experiences throughout the three quarters using a questionnaire. Data is analyzed and transformed into a report by the BTU Statistics Department. The report is shared with BTU SFL and is later disseminated to relevant workgroups. The data is particularly important for the LCs and the SA unit.
Quarter 4
The last teaching quarter is also the time when BTU SFL instructors can reflect on the past academic year during one-to-one meetings with the management. Reflective practice is highly encouraged and stimulated through prompts on the PDR form. The European Profiling Grid is also implemented and adapted in the form to suit the context of our school. The PDR form is updated every year in order to minimize the risk of receiving mechanical or repetitive responses. The forms are collected by the management after the meetings and shared with the AC, who prepares a detailed report. The report is shared with relevant workgroups.
Reflective practice is also fostered through an end-of-year CPD questionnaire. The aim of the questionnaire is to gather information about all CPD-related activities conducted in a given academic year, including all OPDs and peer lesson observations, and encourage our instructors to reflect on how they were able to apply the knowledge and skills they acquired through the activities in their own teaching practice.
Summer Break/Beginning of September
Feedback from students, teachers, and BTU SFL graduates forms a basis for planning the next academic year. LCs use the feedback to discuss any necessary changes in the program with their workgroup members. The CPD office curates a list of topics for OPDs and focus areas for peer observations. The CPD also sends a short questionnaire to get up-to-date information about our instructors’ wishes and needs and create a list of volunteers who would like to conduct OPDs in the upcoming academic year.
The QAC team takes advantage of the data to plan upcoming LOQAs. The SA office analyzes the feedback to design a new program of extra-curricular activities and projects for BTU SFL students. The Testing Office implements the collected feedback into the assessment design. Finally, the management thoroughly considers the feedback from all stakeholders when discussing administrative decisions for the next academic year, such as teaching schedules or lesson hours.
Besides the feedback collection strategies mentioned above, the BTU SFL management adopts an open-door policy for all students and instructors. Thanks to this, feedback is collected through formal tools (e.g. questionnaires), but also through more personal discussions. Feedback boxes are also available for all students to anonymously report any rule violations and offer suggestions and ideas. The box is regularly emptied, and its content is shared with the management team and any other relevant parties.