Library Office

Library Office

Dear preparatory class students,

A “Library Office” has been established within the Bursa Technical University School of Foreign Languages and has been put into active use as of the 2021-2022 Academic Year. In the Library Office, there are 351 books in total belonging to different English levels (A1, A1+, A2, A2+, B1, B1+, and B2), and our students will have the opportunity to improve their English individually by borrowing from these books. We invite all our students to take advantage of this opportunity by drawing attention to the importance of reading in foreign language learning.

CLICK for the book list.

CLICK for details on the borrowing procedure.

Unit Information

Location: BTÜ Yıldırım Bayezid Campus 2nd Floor Room: 223B

Instructor in charge: Ins. Ü. Levent DEĞİRMENCİOĞLU

Office Hours: On Mondays, between 12:00 - 12:45

*Book borrowing and return is not possible outside the specified time