Troubleshooting Roadmap



1. Trouble accessing or entering attendance on the automation system

Contact the SFL Secretary.

2. Trouble entering your grades in the automation system

Contact the SFL Secretary and inform the Assistant Directors of the problem.

3. Computer, IT, or other technical problems in your classroom, office, or with your email

Contact the SFL Secretary.

4. A problem related to the library

Contact the SFL Secretary.

5. Issues related to school finance or pay

Contact the SFL Secretary.

6. Want to request permission for leave or travel permission

Contact the Assistant Director of Staff Affairs.

7. Need office supplies or resources (e.g. markers, pens, staplers, etc.)

Contact the head of Staff Affairs and complete a resource request form.

8. Missing or broken classroom supplies or resources (e.g. desks, chairs, etc.)

Contact the SFL Secretary.

9. Need textbooks or class materials for your courses

Contact the Library Office.

10. A question concerning pacing or course material

Contact the relevant Unit Coordinator

11. An issue of plagiarism in your classes

Give the student a zero (0) for the assignment. Print and attach a copy of the plagiarized source as evidence if possible. If the issue continues, contact the Assistant Directors for further disciplinary action.

12. An issue of cheating on the exam

Take the student’s exam sheet and, if possible, take the cheating evidence. If there is no evidence, write a report about the incident. In either case, contact the Assistant Directors.

13. Disruptive or disrespectful student(s) in class

First, discuss the issue with the student. If the student does not respond, contact the Assistant Directors.

14. A student suddenly becomes ill in class

Send the student to the BTU nurse

15. You suddenly become ill while teaching

Assign work to the students for the remainder of the class. Contact the Assistant Directors

16. You have to cancel class due to illness

Contact the Assistant Directors. Arrange coverage and/or a make-up class time. Obtain a health report from your doctor.

17. Problems with the heating or air-conditioning system

Contact the SFL Secretary.