Message from the Director

Dear Students,

In line with the goal of Bursa Technical University to become a world-class university, we, as the School of Foreign Languages, see providing you with a high level of foreign language proficiency as our most important objective. In addition to offering foreign language education for compulsory and elective preparatory classes in the academic units of our university, we also conduct foreign language courses in the faculties.

The School of Foreign Languages at Bursa Technical University offers opportunities that are not available in many private educational institutions in our country, including student-friendly classroom sizes, technological facilities, qualified foreign teaching staff, Turkish academics engaged in academic research, and a dynamic and up-to-date education system. All these are made available to our students who choose us at a public university.

On behalf of the teaching staff and administration of the School of Foreign Languages, I wish you all a successful academic journey.

Director of the School of Foreign Languages

Bursa Technical University