The SFL has eleven offices: (1) Curriculum Office including five Level Coordinators, (2) Distance Education Office, (3) Continuing Professional Development Office, (4) Testing Office, (5) Statistical Analysis Office, (6) Lesson Schedule Office, (7) Translation and Communication Office, (8) Library Office, (9) Student Activities Office, (10) Foreign Instructor Recruitment Office, and (11) Quality and Accrediation Office. There is also Exam Appeals Commision established to act when needed. The body of an office consists of a coordinator and member instructors. Each office conducts meetings when necessary throughout the academic year for the instructors and its team members. During the meetings instructors are provided the chance to exchange their views, reflect on teaching practices, and offer suggestions for the improvement of the program. Prior to the meeting, each participant receives an email concerning the items to be discussed in the meeting, thus providing participants the time and opportunity to prepare for the meeting. During the meeting, a note-taker is assigned to record the minutes of that meeting. After the meeting, the participants sign the meeting minutes form, and the note-taker prepares a final report summarizing the meeting. Both the meeting minutes form and the summary reports are saved in a shared drive easily accessible to all instructors from their offices.
Office coordinators are responsible for maintaining the quality of their respective courses through activities such as preparation of the syllabi and other materials. They are also expected to devise action plans to resolve any issues they may notice with the course. To maintain quality standards and ensure a smooth workflow, coordinators should assign tasks to and work collaboratively with their team members.
Norming sessions are held to ensure agreement on the implementation of performance standards, particularly with respect to the evaluation of student performance. During the norming sessions in which a rubric and sample files of student work/audio recordings are distributed to the instructors, the instructors grade the work/audio sample and discuss the reasons for their assigned scores. The purpose of these sessions is to reach consensus on the interpretation of the rubric and to minimize the gap in scoring differences between instructors.
Because the SFL seeks to maintain high quality standards, it administers an Office Feedback Survey at the end of each semester for instructors to evaluate the workflow and standards of communication within each office. These surveys are designed to provide feedback on the coordinators for the improvement of the education at the SFL. Through these feedback forms, instructors have the chance to voice their thoughts concerning the office and their respective skill courses.
Following the completion of the academic year, coordinators prepare and present documents concerning their offices, including an evaluation of the extent to which course objectives were met throughout each quarter.
The SFL employs both Turkish and foreign instructors. Although the recruiting and disciplinary procedures for Turkish and foreign staff differ in many ways, the duties and responsibilities of both Turkish and foreign instructors are governed by Turkish law, specifically the Law on Higher Education No. 2547. Instructors are expected to carry out their teaching responsibilities in accordance with the regulations, syllabi, course materials, and rubrics provided by the SFL. In order to maintain the quality standards of the SFL, the management, coordinators, and instructors hold meetings to discuss the development and delivery of the educational programs.
The organizational structure of the SFL is designed to ensure that all members of the SFL academic staff are involved in the decision making process. Both with respect to educational and administrative aspects of the SFL, instructors are engaged from the classroom level up. Instructors are encouraged to provide feedback to the various offices and coordinators based on their experiences in the classrooms. Coordinators hold regular meetings with their office members and general evaluation sessions with all instructors to discuss issues and make decisions for the improvement of the educational program.
The coordinators, Department Head and Assistant Directors hold regular meetings to discuss the opinions and suggestions of the academic staff as well as to decide on issues pertaining to the quality and assessment of education. Decisions concerning administrative aspects of the SFL are confirmed by the Director in consultation with the Assistant Directors. When required, the SFL management works in cooperation with other departments for the adjudication and implementation of certain decisions, as per university regulations.