Student Services & Facilities


Our university maintains its academic, scientific, and educational activities on Mimar Sinan and Yıldırım Campuses, which are within walking distance to metro stations in the city center of Bursa, Turkey.


Cafeterias are located on each campus for food services, and 4 canteens are open to the students and the staff throughout the year.

In the SFL building, there is a university dining hall and a privately run cafeteria. The dining hall offers four food options at every meal. The monthly menu is announced on our website. All meals are prepared according to nutrition content and include a calorie value of 1000-1500 calories. Our students and staff can enjoy the food services offered by the dining hall during the lunch break from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 



There is an infirmary in each of the Mimar Sinan and Yıldırım Bayezid Campuses of our university. In the infirmaries, the health service is provided by a part-time workplace doctor and a nurse.

The Infirmaries on our university campuses provide health services with two on-duty nurses. According to the authorities and responsibilities outlined in the Nursing Law, the services provided to our staff and students include emergency medical treatment, first aid, assistance with medications and treatments prescribed by the primary doctor for non-emergency situations, medical dressings, injections, blood-type testing, and tests measuring blood pressure and blood sugar. 

Yıldırım Campus School of Foreign Languages 1st Floor Room: 116

Mimar Sinan Campus Block B (Student Center) Room: Z-21

Dr. M.Serhat YAMALI : Tuesday on Yıldırım Bayezid Campus, Thursday on Mimar Sinan Campus (at specified times) 



Students are offered psychological sessions and guidance by the psychological counseling and guidance unit. Besides helping the individuals maintain mental health and solve their mental problems, seminars are organized along with individual sessions and group work to support the students and contribute to their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral development.

The Counseling Center aims to contribute to individuals' mental, emotional, and behavioral development, help individuals improve management skills for daily life problems, support individuals' life problems, support individuals to improve themselves professionally and provide mental health services that help individuals improve their mental health. 

Students may have problems adapting to their new school or city or issues with their interpersonal relationships. They may suffer from exam anxiety, a lack of self-confidence, or hesitations about their academic targets. Professional support during difficult times can help students arrive at health decisions and regain direction in their lives. In addition to the psychological support offered to our students, the Counseling Center conducts research on the problems, demands, and needs of students

Individual counseling and psychotherapy services are offered at the Center. Individual needs for psychological support are assessed through various psychological tests, and an individual-oriented analysis is conducted. Individual counseling sessions are held periodically, as blocks of 40- 50 minutes. After the first session, a regular schedule is determined with the psychologist.

Individual counseling services are provided in an unbiased and reliable atmosphere and are completely confidential. If necessary, family members are included in the therapy process, or the individual is directed to health institutions for further treatment, and the treatment process is followed by a psychologist. 

PsychologistNesrin TÜRKER

E-mail: nesrin.turker@btu.edu.tr

Unit's Location: Mimar Sinan Campus B Blok (Student Center) No: Z-10

Unit's Phone: 224 300 32 54

Office hours: From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



An indoor sports hall (3.645m2) and an outdoor mini football pitch are available for students to use on our Yıldırım Campus.

Students successfully represent our university in the Turkey Championship through a number of sports branches such as basketball, volleyball, football, futsal, swimming, table tennis, tennis, wrestling, archery, chess, boxing, taekwondo, and orienteering.

In order to enable our students and staff to participate in sports activities, sports facilities are being built on campus.  Our university organizes sporting events, such as competitions and tournaments, and provides professional staff to assist in these efforts by collaborating with other institutions and utilizing sports facilities in the city. In order to offer more opportunities to students and staff, the university has signed various protocols with city municipalities allowing our students and staff to access many sports facilities with up to a 50% discount. For more information, you can visit the Health, Culture, and Sports Department website by clicking here.



Some concerts, exhibitions, theatre performances, trips, and conferences are held to provide the students with a social identity and a way to allow their personal and social development. In the organization process, we take the students' interests into consideration and collaborate with the student clubs.

Our university is involved in a number of social, cultural, and artistic activities & events at both the national and international level. Please click here to obtain up-to-date information about such kinds of activities.



A great number of student clubs function under the Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports so as to encourage students to participate in social and cultural events in scientific, cultural, artistic, and athletic fields. You can also join the activities of these sports, science, and culture & art clubs.

Please click on the link for detailed information about the student clubs in our university.

The student clubs at BTU promote communication and teamwork skills, encouraging our students to become productive and socially strong individuals. Our students have performed in a variety of activities, including scientific and innovative international competitions. They have organized efforts such as book collection campaigns and environmental awareness campaigns that focus on planting trees for our future.



Disability Free University Unit provides consultation and support services to students and staff with disabilities and special needs. The unit strives to facilitate the education and professional life of students and staff by taking the necessary measures to enable their full participation in social life. The unit aims to determine the difficulties that people with disabilities and special needs may experience on campus and works to make campus life more suitable for them. In this way, it attempts to ensure that disabled students or staff have equal access to educational opportunities or working conditions so that they can freely and actively participate in all facets of university life.



Library on Mimar Sinan Campus

Our libraries on Yıldırım and Osmangazi Campuses were moved to a three-storey detached building on Mimar Sinan Campus Block C on August 15, 2016, and continued to serve on a total area of 2.307 m2. Our library has a seating capacity of 300 people, 6 individual study rooms, 9 group study rooms, 4 academic study rooms, and 24-person meeting rooms. It provides services to users with approximately 22,000 printed books and 17 electronic databases. Wireless internet access is available in the library.

Working hours

Academic Term

Summer Term

Monday - Friday

 From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.




A computer lab is available for SFL students to use on the first floor of the SFL building. Students can use the computer lab free of charge during working hours.



Our students have 24-hour access to internet via Eduroam using their smartphones, tablets and laptops. They can also use their Eduroam accounts on BTU campuses as well as other universities using this infrastructure. For more information on how to login Eduroam, please visit our IT Department's web page.



In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 5102 on Scholarships and Student Loans for Higher Education Students, our students are eligible for scholarships. Additionally, reduced and free lunch scholarships are available for students who qualify according to our university's Meal Scholarship Regulations. The application dates and procedures for scholarship opportunities are announced at the beginning of the academic year.



Every year, two orientation programs are organized for our new students. One orientation program focuses on our University, and the other on the School of Foreign Languages. As part of the School of Foreign Languages orientation program, students are informed about the details of the English Preparatory Class. Within the scope of the university orientation program, students are invited to tour the city together with university staff in order to introduce them to it. In addition to these outings, we organize a welcome reception and a seminar in which each administrative and academic unit is introduced to the students. The orientation program also introduces new students to the social, cultural, health, and sports facilities available to them. New students can adjust quickly to the city and university by participating in activities organized by student clubs.



You can find the School of Foreign Languages building easily by coming to the Eğitim Street-3 bus station, located in front of our campus. The Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi Bursaray metro and bus stations are a 10-minute walk from campus.  You can set your transportation route from anywhere in Bursa using www.burulas.com.tr. All means of public transportation can be accessed using a Bu-Kart. A protocol signed between our university and BURULAS (Bursa Transportation and Public Transportation Management Tourism Industry and Trade Inc.) allows you to receive a student Bu-Kart after your registration to the university is approved. The data required for student discount transportation cards are electronically sent to the BURULAS system. You can pick up your transportation card from the Şehreküstü Metro Station or other stations where student discount transportation cards are processed by showing your student identification card. You do not need to bring student certificates with you for these procedures.

For navigation devices, our coordinates: 

40.186287, 29.103459

City Center (Heykel)  ►  BTU Yıldırım Campus

  • Take bus numbers 28, 28/A, 23, 23-A, 24-D. It is 15-20 min. to Eğitim Str. 3 bus stations.

Intercity Bus Terminal  ►  BTU Yıldırım Campus

  • Take bus number 18/B. It is 50min. to Eğitim Str. 3 bus station.
  • Take bus numbers 91 or 91/G. It is 40 min. to Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesi metro station. 

BUDO Port in Mudanya (Kabataş/İSTANBUL)  ►  BTÜ Yıldırım Campus

  • Take bus number 1/M. It is 30 min. to Emek Station. From there, take the metro. It is 35 min. to the Yüksek Ihtısas Hastanesi metro station.  

İDO Port in Güzelyalı (Yenikapı/İSTANBUL)  ►  BTU Yıldırım Campus

  • Take bus number 1/GY. It is 30 min. to Emek Station. From there, take the metro. It is 35 min. to the Yüksek Ihtısas Hastanesi metro station.

 Yenişehir Airport  ► BTU Yıldırım Campus

There are flights from Erzurum and Trabzon to Bursa Yenişehir Airport. Take bus number 80.It takes 75 minutes to the Yüksek Ihtısas Hastanesi metro station.

You can also visit our website.



Bursa Technical University does not provide accommodation to the students.  A list of higher education student residences, as provided by the Ministry of National Education's website, is available below.

Student Residence



Bursa Emir Student Residence

(224) 442 88 70

11. Cadde Uludağ Üniversitesi Görükle Yerleşkesi Sakarya Mahallesi

Uludağ Student Residence

(224) 442 80 28

Uludağ Üniversitesi Görükle Yerleşkesi.
4. Sokak Sakarya Mah. Nilüfer No:6

Orhangazi Student Residence

(224) 366 10 50

Yeni Yalova Caddesi Ali Osman Sönmez
Yerleşkesi Panayır Mah. Osmangazi No:

Orhangazi Student Residence

(224) 366 10 50

Emniyet Caddesi Mimar Sinan Mahallesi



Our students can share their ideas, comments, suggestions, and complaints with the BTU SFL management and instructors through various channels: 

1. Learner Counselling

Our students can consult the instructors about academic issues throughout their studies via e-mail or during specified office hours.

2. Contact with Assistant Directors

There are two assistant directors in the organization structure of BTU SFL, and one of these assistant directors is responsible for student affairs. They welcome the students whenever they have issues that they would like to discuss. The students can also contact the assistant directors in person by seeking an appointment in advance or they can communicate with them by e-mail or telephone.

3. Contact with Instructors

Throughout their education, our students can always contact their instructors in person by seeking an appointment in advance, or they can communicate with them by e-mail.

4. BTU SFL Students Affairs Office

Students can contact the BTU SFL Students Affairs Office in person. BTU SFL Students Affairs Office is located in Room 217-C on the second floor of the BTU SFL building.

5. Telephone

Our students can share their opinions, wishes, complaints, and suggestions with BTU SFL management through the telephone number, 0 224 300 34 51.

6. Email

Our students can communicate their opinions, wishes, complaints and suggestions with BTU SFL management through the e-mail, ogrenci.ydyo@btu.edu.tr.

7. Suggestion Boxes

Our students can use the Suggestion Boxes located in the corridors on the 2nd and 3rd floors to share their requests, complaints, feedback, or suggestions with the SFL management. If they wish, they can also submit their feedback anonymously through these suggestion boxes.

8. Student Representative Meetings

At each academic semester, focus group meetings are held with student representatives from each classroom under the presidency of the assistant director who is in charge of student affairs of BTU SFL. Within the scope of these meetings, student representatives share their ideas, feelings, wishes, suggestions, and complaints with the SFL management on various issues such as the quality of foreign language education in BTU SFL, physical and technological equipment in SFL classrooms, the efficiency of student affairs or services as well as health, nutrition, sports, social and cultural facilities on the campuses.

9. Student Feedback Surveys

At the end of each academic quarter, before learning their final grades, our students are expected to complete a survey to give feedback on 4 issues: instructors' performance, course content, course materials, and assessment procedures. In particular, students assess their instructors in terms of the instructor's ability to use course materials effectively, answer questions appropriately, and create an environment conducive to learning. The results of the survey and the comments made by the students regarding their instructors are evaluated by the SFL management and reported to the individual instructors.