Model of Teaching

Bursa Technical University School of Foreign Languages shapes its educational processes in line with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, providing students with a more inclusive and effective learning experience. This approach aims to increase student engagement, present content in various ways, and enable students to express their knowledge in multiple formats. For detailed information about Universal Design for Learning at BTU SFL, click here.

In BTU School of Foreign Languages, the courses are offered face-to-face with online support in English Preparatory Class as of the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Using the "Moodle" learning management system infrastructure, the BTU School of Foreign Languages Learning Environment is named "LEARN," and access to this platform is available at https://learn.btu.edu.tr. After logging into LEARN, our students can go to their enrolled classes, follow their asynchronous tasks, and communicate with the lecturers and other students individually. The BTU Placement Test (BTÜSTS), which is held at the beginning of the Fall Semester, is also conducted through the LEARN platform. All guides prepared to guide our students in the blended learning process are listed below. For all your questions, you can send an e-mail to ogrenci.ydyo@btu.edu.tr.


Please click here to access BTU SFL Distance Learning Platform "LEARN".

Please click here to access "LEARN" Students' Guide.

Please click here to access Microsoft Teams Students' Guide.

Please click here to access Langauge Hub Student Application Guide.

Please click here to access MEE Platform How the student joins the class and does the activities.

Please click here to access how to activate book code on MEE Platform .