The Director is appointed with the approval of the Rectorate’s Office.
1. Executes responsibilities in accordance with Article 4 of Higher Education Law no. 2547.
2. Selects two Assistant Directors to aid in the execution of his responsibilities.
3. Serves as the head of the School of Foreign Languages (SLF) Council and the SFL Administrative Council, and ensures that the decisions made by these councils are properly implemented.
4. Ensures for orderly and productive work carried out among units within the SFL.
5. Coordinates the working units at school and ensures efficiency
6. Ensures that information reports concerning the general regulation and performance of the SFL, such as strategic planning reports, annual activity reports, and audit reports are prepared and delivered.
7. Ensures that the SFL budget is efficiently, productively, and economically prepared.
8. Ensures that the number of employees is sufficient to meet the needs of the SFL and is responsible for evaluating and strengthening the SFL’s staff accordingly.
9. Observes and supervises the units within the SFL and its staff at every level.
10. Prepares employment record reports for academic and administrative staff.
11. Takes the necessary precautions to increase the SFL’s physical conditions in accordance with its student capacity.
12. Takes the necessary precautions to administer the SFL’s development and growth in a rational manner.
13. Works to increase and carry out the SFL’s scientific research and publishing activities in a systematic manner.
14. Carries out any other tasks that may be assigned to him/her in accordance with the legal measures pertaining to the SFL.
15. Safeguards Quality Standards and determines quality management strategies.
16. Implements the quality policy and continuously improves the quality of the systems.
17. Ensures that the public language courses at the SFL are planned, organized and supervised.
1. Carries out the duties of the SFL Director in case of the Director’s absence.
2. Carries out tasks and duties assigned by the SFL Director.
3. Oversees the coordination of teaching and learning for the foreign language preparatory classes.
4. Supervises the coordination of student affairs.
5. Supervises the preparation of the class lists for each academic quarter.
6. Supervises the coordination of in-term exams, proficiency exams (BTUYDS), English exemption exam (within the scope of 2547/5-ı), placement tests (BTUSTS) and student exchange programs language proficiency tests (BTUERS).
7. Supervises the coordination of student disciplinary issues.
8. Coordinates the preparation of BTU SFL academic calendar.
9. Coordinates the academic planning of SFL for the next academic year(s).
10. Coordinates the meetings with SFL advisory board.
11. Coordinates or supervises the coordination of the affairs conducted by;
a) Quality and Accreditation
b) Distance Education
c) Student Activities
d) Head of Library
e) Website Data Entry and Control Manager
12. Safeguards quality standards and implements the quality policy.
13. Coordinates the implementation, reporting and evaluation of student surveys, and provides feedback accordingly.
14. Supervises the information provided on the SFL website.
15. Ensures that academic records are saved on a regular basis.
16. Coordinates and supervises the process regarding the public language courses at the SFL.
1. Carries out the duties of the SFL Director in case of the Director’s absence.
2. Carries out tasks and duties assigned by the SFL Director.
3. Oversees the coordination of teaching and learning for the foreign language preparatory classes.
4. Supervises the preparation of the teaching schedule for each academic quarter.
5. Supervises the coordination of staff affairs.
6. Oversees the coordination of the recruitment and orientation of Turkish and foreign instructors.
7. Ensures that additional course payments are properly made.
8. Oversees the coordination of teaching and learning for the departmental foreign language classes and social elective courses.
9. Supervises the coordination of instructor assignments and make-up classes.
10. Supervises the coordination of the affairs conducted by;
a) Translation and Communication Office
b) Lesson Schedule Office
c) Foreign Instructor Recruitment Committee
11. Safeguards quality standards and implements the quality policy.
12. Ensures that academic records are saved on a regular basis.
13. Coordinates and supervises the process regarding the public language courses at the SFL.
1. Carries out tasks and duties assigned by the SFL Director and the Assistant Directors.
2. Plays a mediator role between the management and the academic staff to organize, support and improve their work and contributes to the stages of "monitoring the progress", "planning improvement," "applying changes," and "collecting feedback" pertaining to the SFL activities under the supervision of the department head and the assistant directors.
3. Supervises the coordination of the affairs conducted by;
a) Curriculum Office (Academic Coordinators)
b) Testing Office
c) CPD Office
d) Statistical Analysis Office
4. Coordinates the planning, preparation, implementation, evaluation, development, and update of the English preparatory class curriculum each academic year in the light of the educational philosophy, course objectives and outcomes, and teaching and assessment policy of BTU SFL as well as the feedback gathered from all the parties.
5. Coordinates the analyses and evaluation of the coursebooks to be selected for the curriculum of each academic year.
6. Develop authentic and/or (semi-)structured instructional ELT course materials such as original and topic-specific tests, four-skill-based instructional documents, and supplementary packs.
7. Researches new and existing materials in the field of ELT covered at schools of foreign languages and assesses the materials’ reliability, validity, and suitability for use in relation with the current curriculum, academic and educational policies of the SFL.
8. Ensures that the School of Foreign Languages website is up-to-date and accurate in its information.
9. Supervises the coordination and organization of social events for BTU SFL academic staff.
10. Supervises the quality of foreign language education in BTU SFL through scientific research and development.
11. Supervises the feedback and statistical data obtained from all parties (e.g., students, instructors, SFL advisory board) through surveys and questionnaires to identify students’ academic and professional needs and educational opportunities.
12. Coordinates the execution of the needs analysis with all the parties on a regular basis to revise, develop, and update the curriculum, course objectives and outcomes, instructional methods, and assessment policy of BTU SFL.
13. Ensures the coordination of the Quality and Accreditation Office along with the Assistant Directors.
14. Implements staff orientation policy of SFL and mentors newly recruited instructors.
15. Ensures that academic records are saved on a regular basis.
1. Plans and implements the design and development of the course, including syllabus and materials.
2. Prepares the Main Course Syllabus for the relevant Level by stating detailed outcomes and objectives. The Level Coordinators update these documents every year in accordance with the needs of the university.
3. Work in the process of selecting the course books for both regular and repeating groups in the relevant level before the start of the academic year.
4. Prepares pacing calendars for both regular and repeating groups hourly in the relevant level before the start of the term. Assessment and evaluation activities are also included in the pacing calendar.
5. Carries out routine course administration, including attending or organizing meetings with coordinators and/or instructors and ensuring that worksheets, audio files, and other materials are available on the relevant Drive.
6. Ensures the smooth running of the course by informing instructors about the planned materials, shared documents, objectives, and pacing calendars.
7. Ensures that course documentation, including course outcomes, is specified and that any course changes undergo the appropriate approval procedures.
8. Acts as a communication channel between the Department Head (or the Management) and instructors teaching the course, informing them of course-related matters, especially dates and materials.
9. Cooperates with other Coordinators, the Testing Office, instructors teaching the course, and the management to create efficient systems to support the course.
10. Ensures the reliability and validity of the assessment tasks and/or exams that the Testing Office prepared by checking each of them within the given deadlines by the Testing Office exam writers.
11. Ensures that documents, worksheets, and related materials on the relevant Drive are created, updated, and improved on a regular basis.
12. Collects and provides feedback to identify areas for improvement and leads the process to implement any recommended changes with proper approval.
13. Analyses feedback and statistical data and reports on the course each year.
14. Is responsible for the quality of the work.
1. Cooperates with the curriculum office and participates in the decision-making process.
2. Coordinates the preparation of all in-term exams, BTUYDS (Proficiency Exam), BTUSTS (Placement Exam) and BTUERS (Erasmus Foreign Language Proficiency Exam). The exam preparation process includes all the steps, from writing exam questions to classifying printed exam sheets into envelopes before the exam.
3. Files and archives testing materials should be appropriately shared either in the online directory shared only among Testing Office members or in the common folders shared with all instructions. In addition to the online directory, a hard copy of all written exams is filed and archived in case of technical problems. (NOTE: The archiving process described here is only to store soft and hard copies of prepared and finalized exams. Exam envelopes are submitted to the responsible administrative officer and archived under the structure of the administration.)
4. Maintains testing office resources in a secure and organized manner, including sample course books in the Testing Office library and printable resources in the e-library.
5. Maintains clear and effective lines of communication among the Testing Office members, with other instructors, and with the management through written correspondence and regular meetings.
6. Determines and announces the dates and times of in-term exams as well as the names of proctors and graders and information about required materials or exam reminders.
7. Coordinates the distribution of exam materials before the exam and organizes meetings about the exam process as required.
8. Contributes to the curriculum design process by evaluating the outcomes of the assessment process in line with curriculum activities.
9. Oversees the exam preparations of the Testing Office members and approves of the final drafts of the exams before printing.
10. Is responsible for the quality of the work.
1. Coordinates with “BTU Distance Learning Application and Research Center”.
2. Deals with the tasks concerning distance and blended learning courses conducted by BTU SFL.
3. Assess distance-learning educational and technological needs and set distance-learning course objectives accordingly.
4. Coordinates the design and development of distance learning courses, which include web-based curricula, online course contents, and materials.
5. Supervises distance learning support staff and instructors and helps them use distance learning applications, such as learning management systems and course management software.
6. Investigates the possibilities of integrating Distance Learning methodology in language learning environment such as flipped learning.
7. Is responsible for the quality of the work.
1. Executes the professional development policy of the SFL.
(a) Designs and implements the Performance Evaluation System
(b) Investigates the continuing professional development (CPD) needs of the instructors.
(c) Organizes training programs such as seminars, workshops, and other professional development events in accordance with the needs and expectations of the instructors.
2. Plans peer observation schedules for the instructors.
3. Observe lessons on a voluntary basis and by considering the ethical issues, and try to address the weaknesses of in-class instruction by providing relevant CPD activities.
4. Is responsible for the quality of the work.
1. Coordinates the allocation and execution of tasks regarding the translation activities. Translation activities include:
a) Translation of official documents requested by the SFL Administration
b) Translation of documents related to SFL
c) Translation of information on the website
2. Ensures the publication of news regarding the SFL activities in English and Turkish on the website.
3. Completes translation tasks within the timeframe specified by the SFL management and is responsible for the quality of the work.
Plans and prepares the teaching schedule of instructors at BTU SFL at the beginning of each academic quarter.
Collects qualitative and quantitative data through various instruments such as online surveys and interviews, analyzes the collected data, and shares the results, statistical analyses, and reports of these data with the SFL management or the related units.
1. Organizes the student orientation activities at the beginning of the academic year.
2. Explores and prepares for the student activities that can be held throughout the academic year and organize those activities as scheduled.
3. Communicates with students regularly and collect and evaluate their ideas about possible activities.
4. Meets student representatives and coordinates the process of collecting ideas about possible activities.
5. Enables the preparation of an English Student Bulletin at least twice an academic year.
1. Coordinates quality and accreditation processes in SFL.
2. Coordinates key aspects of the accreditation procedures, including material preparation, standardizing lesson observations, analyzing data, record keeping, and report editing, as well as contributing to the overall improvement of the management systems for quality assurance.
1. Works with the relevant Assistant Director during the recruitment process of foreign contractor instructors.
2. Checks e-mail address used to recruit foreign contractor instructors and reports to the relevant Assistant Director.
3. Conducts interview processes with foreign instructors whose job applications are found suitable.
4. Distributes the tasks for preparing documents for foreign instructor candidates whose interview process is positive.
5. Stores the relevant documents on Drive
1. Coordinates the arrangement and updating of content on the website
2. Regularly checks the currency of the information and makes necessary updates
3. Receives content requests from academic and administrative units, evaluates their appropriateness with the management, and ensures they are published
4. Ensures that visuals, announcements, and news on the website comply with standards
5. Ensures the consistency between the Turkish and English content on the website
1. Assists the Coordinator in the preparation of exams. Each member is expected to complete the tasks assigned to him/her within the timeline specified by the Coordinator.
2. Prepares, prints, and classifies all in-term exams at all levels. Tasks will be distributed within the Testing Office to this aim.
3. Completes tasks as assigned to prepare the BTUYDS (Proficiency) exam.
4. Writes and edits the questions for each section of the BTUYDS exam. Tasks will be distributed within the Testing Office to this aim.
5. Adds the reviewed questions into the question bank in the proper format, selects questions from the question bank to generate the relevant exam, and provides the final proofreading.
6. Attends all Question Review & Edition meetings and other meetings called by the Testing Office Coordinator.
1. Supports the Curriculum Office Coordinator and the Level Coordinators in executing their duties and responsibilities.
2. Creates, revises, and updates course materials within the deadlines specified by the level Coordinators.
3. Attends regular Unit meetings to provide feedback and works toward improving the unit.
1. Supports the Professional Development Office Coordinator in executing his/her duties and responsibilities.
2. Attends regular Unit meetings to provide feedback and works toward improving the office.
1. Completes tasks assigned by the Coordinator.
2. Attends regular Unit meetings to provide feedback and works toward improving the office.
3. Contributes to management systems for lesson observations for quality assurance.
4. Carries out lesson observations for quality assurance.
Completes tasks assigned by the Coordinator.
1. Abides by the rules and regulations specified in Civil Servants Law no. 657 and Higher Education Council Law no. 2547.
2. Executes his/her teaching responsibilities appropriately and follows the SFL guidelines by following the appropriate syllabi and pacing calendars and using the appropriate course materials and course books.
3. Maintains accurate attendance records by having students sign the attendance sheet for each hour of class.
4. Enters the attendance into the automation system properly and promptly. Students should be marked absent or present; other options (late, leave, etc.) cannot be marked without the administration's approval.
5. Begins and ends classes on time.
6. Conducts classes in English following the SFL policy.
7. Regularly attends meetings, workshops, and other departmental sessions organized by the administration and/or the Coordinators.
8. Checks his/her BTU email address regularly and responds to emails sent by the administration and the coordinators in a timely fashion.
9. Checks the EBYS system regularly for tasks assigned by the administration.
10. Completes all tasks assigned by the administration by the specified deadline.
1. Supervises, coordinates, and plans the execution of the work and duties of the SFL Secretarial Unit in an organized, appropriate, and regular manner.
2. Carries out internal and external communication for the SFL by coordinating the tasks between the SFL and the following departments: (a) Department of Student Affairs, (b) Department of Staff Affairs, (c) Department of Strategic Development, (d) Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, (e) Department of Information Technology, (f) Department of Health, Culture, and Sports, (g) Department of Library and Documentation, and (h) Department of Construction and Technical Works.
3. Prepares and announces the SFL Board and SFL Administrative Board agendas to the concerned parties in accordance with the SFL management’s instructions.
4. Serves as the rapporteur for the SFL Board and SFL Administrative Board.
5. Ensures that board decisions are recorded in the information management system and properly filed for the decision notebook.
6. Ensures that all building, heating, lighting, cleaning, and maintenance (including minor repair) services pertaining to the SFL are carried out continuously and securely.
7. Organizes ceremonies and formal events arranged by the SFL.
8. Prepares the SFL’s yearly financial budget and ensures that the application of the performance budget is realized in the best possible manner by carrying out the necessary planning to ensure that the budget is followed.
9. Purchases goods and services according to the needs of the SFL.
10. Coordinates the work of the Student Affairs office.
11. Maintains up-to-date records of the SFL’s supply inventory and operations, including the input and output of goods.
12. Follows regulations pertaining to the activities of the SFL Secretarial unit.
13. Ensures coordination, provides an environment of cooperation and rapport, and solves any problems that may arise between units and personnel within the SFL Secretarial unit.
14. Generates projects to enhance the productivity of SFL units and personnel.
15. Prepares and arranges the annual activity report.
16. Supervises and directs the relevant personnel in their work.
17. Determines the in-service training needs of personnel within the SFL and coordinates with the Personnel Department to arrange in-service training programs.
18. Follows up on the personal benefits and registration procedures for the SFL personnel.
19. Takes disciplinary action in accordance with regulations when necessary as a disciplinary superior to personnel staff.
20. Offers recommendations to the SFL management for procedures such as awarding prizes, certificates of appreciation, and promotions for personnel staff.
21. Informs superiors on issues related to the work of assigned tasks.
22. Carries out any other tasks that may be assigned to him/her in accordance with the legal measures pertaining to the SFL.
22. Exercises authority and fulfills tasks of a similar nature as assigned by superiors.
1. Arranges appointments and monitors the telephone for the SFL Director.
2. Writes the agenda and decisions related to the “SFL Board” and the “SFL Administrative and Discipline Board,” arranges the decision books, and updates the "Information Management System" accordingly.
3. Ensures that the secretary’s office is open during work hours.
4. Facilitates communication within the department by keeping up-to-date records of the teaching staff’s contact information.
5. Answers, connects, and transfers telephone calls within and outside the city and keeps records of all calls.
6. Ensures that meetings are held orderly by arranging the dates and times of all meetings held in the Director’s office.
7. Monitors written correspondences submitted to the Director.
8. Updates and publishes news events and announcements on the SFL website.
9. Monitors the SFL email account daily.
10. Carries out vehicle allocation procedures for the activities of SFL and fills the vehicle request and task form when necessary, then informs superiors.
11. Carries out the procedures regarding the registration freeze requests of the students.
12. Notifies the relevant units of the success of the students who receive the Credit and Hostels Institution scholarship.
13. Carries out the correspondence related to the exams (BTÜYDS, BTÜSTS, and BTÜERS) held and conducted at our school and follows up on these correspondences.
14. Creates the student class lists for preparatory education and enters the automation system at the beginning of each quarter.
15. Enters the lesson schedules on the system at the beginning of each quarter.
16. Enters the incorrectly entered grades and the student grades that have changed in line with the material error report into the automation system with the decision of the relevant administrative board.
17. Receives the petitions of the students who appeal to the exam scores and informs the testing office about the issue.
18. Checks the student e-mail page of the School of Foreign Languages at regular intervals during the day.
19. Communicates with other units within the institution for student affairs when necessary.
20. Performs the work and transactions related to the automation system of the preparatory class students.
21. Carries out the works and operations related to the activity report that fall into his/her area of responsibility and takes an active role in preparing the annual activity report.
22. Fulfills all tasks and duties assigned by the SFL Director and/or Secretary.
1. Assists with the administrative aspects of the hiring process for foreign national academic staff, including all necessary exchanges of correspondence.
2. Maintains correspondence with foreign national instructors after they have begun working, guides their adaptation process, and follows up on matters such as health reports, leave requests, and other official paperwork.
3. Processes the Make-up Class Forms submitted by foreign national instructors for classes they do not teach due to reasons of excused leave or illness, submitted along with a health report during the academic year.
4. Follows up correspondence of foreign national instructors about the contract extension process.
5. Follows the correspondence of foreign national instructors about the cease of employment process.
6. Reports the success status of the students who have received scholarships from the Credit and Dormitories Institution to the relevant units.
7. Carries out and follows up the correspondences related to the exams (BTUYDS, BTUSTS and BTUERS) held in SFL.
8. Assists the Assistant Directors in the preparation of the academic calendar.
9. Creates the student class lists and enters the automation system at the beginning of each quarter.
10. Enters the schedule in the automation system at the beginning of each quarter.
11. Corrects the wrongly entered grades and enters student grades changing following the material error report to the automation system with the decision of SFL Board.
12. Receives the petitions of students who appeal to the exam scores and informs the testing office.
13. Monitors the SFL student e-mail account daily.
14. Informs the Health, Culture, and Sports Department in a timely manner of the dates on which exams will be held and of the dates on which classes will not be given to ensure that the cafeteria services are executed in a sound and efficient manner.
15. Maintains communication with other departments within the institution as necessary for student affairs.
16. Completes all tasks and assignments related to the SFL Preparatory Class Student Automation System.
17. Arranges the necessary documents (such as student certificate, transcript, disciplinary penalty document) by taking the petition of students.
18. Follows measures, legislative decrees, directives, instructions, rules and memorandums.
19. Maintains end-of-year archiving, filing, and classification of all written documents within the relevant service area and delivers documents to the relevant administrative archival unit.
20. Carries out work and operations related to SFL activity reports within the area of responsibility and actively participates in the activity report preparation process.
21. Carries out the necessary work for the education and training activities in SFL, takes the necessary precautions, identifies all non-working, defective, or missing educational materials, and then ensures that the problems are resolved in a short time.
22. Executes all tasks written or orally assigned by the SFL management.
1. Completes tasks necessary as the Movable Record Control Supervisor within the electronic KBS system.
2. Completes tasks concerning the maintenance and regulation of goods entering and leaving the supply inventory.
3. Provides receipts for the administration of portable goods.
4. Carries out the procedures of the year-end portable goods completely.
5. Maintains records of the department inventory.
6. Ensures the security of the portable goods in all classrooms and checks them regularly.
7. Ensures that all classes belonging to SFL are locked out of class hours.
8. Sends a Consumption Material Exit Report once every three months to the Strategy Department within the BTU Rectorate.
9. Provides the materials requested by the movable request authority.
10. Completes all tasks related to the purchasing of goods (such as direct supply) regularly and appropriately.
11. Records all purchases made through the Public Procurement Agency’s Electronic Public Procurement Platform (EKAP- by completing the “Direct Supply Form” by the tenth day of each month following purchases made through Direct Supply (done following the procedures specified by Article 22 of the Legal Procurement Code no. 4734).
12. Records all the purchases into the budget tracking system.
13. Follows the procedures concerning liability and debt of all stock inventory used by the SFL or its personnel.
14. Ensures that official mail is sent.
15. Maintains the necessary correspondence to ensure that requests made by telephone, fax, and email are received by the Information Technology Department.
16. Creates a request through the demand system to the Department of Construction Affairs regarding the renovation-repair works in SFL.
17. Keeps the information on the informatics inventory system up-to-date and checks them regularly.
18. Receives the exam documents from the relevant lecturers by signature and submits the petition and examination documents of the students who object to the exams to the "Testing Office."
19. Follows through on the archiving exams administered by the English Preparatory Program of the SFL.
20. Lends assistance to relevant personnel in preparation of the SFL budget.
21. Follows the circulars published by the General Directorate of Budget and Financial Control.
22. Follows measures, legislative decrees, directives, instructions, rules and memorandums.
23. Maintains end-of-year archiving, filing, and classification of all written documents within the relevant service area and delivers documents to the relevant administrative archival unit.
24. Completes any actions that fall within his/her scope of responsibility while preparing the SFL Annual Activity Report.
25. Carries out the necessary work for the education and training activities in SFL and takes the necessary precautions, identifies all non-working, defective, or missing educational materials, and then ensures that the problems are resolved in a short time.
26. Keeps the records of the registered books in SFL and follows the lending process in line with the students' requests.
27. Fulfills any other tasks assigned written or orally by the SFL management.
1. Records the incoming and outgoing documents through EBYS and sends them to the unit supervisor.
2. Completes the paperwork for external assignments domestically and abroad, both with and without compensation for travel and food.
3. Enters the national and international assignments to the Personnel Information System.
4. Reports the personnel assigned abroad with the approval of the Director to the Personnel Department at the end of each month.
5. Reports the administrative personnel who have received health reports to the Personnel Department at the end of each month.
6. Regularly follows and completes all written correspondence concerning personnel.
7. Completes paperwork and written correspondences concerning the discipline of personnel.
8. Completes and classifies documents concerning maternity leave, annual leave, and excused leave, as well as health reports for academic and administrative staff in their respective personal files, and prepares place of duty document for staff.
9. Maintains records and fulfills tasks following Article 13/b-4 and 40/a of Higher Education Council Law no. 2547.
10. Follows and completes all written correspondence and documents concerning the department heads of the university.
11. Sends to the respective departments completed documents concerning family allowance situations and property declarations of academic and administrative staff.
12. Completes the recruitment procedures and written correspondences for instructors.
13. Arranges necessary forms (property notification form, family status and assistance form, ethical contract form, personal declaration form, etc.) belonging to new academic staff in SFL and refers to the relevant units, registers for personal files.
14. Announces all changes in promotion-level and degree advancement and provides a copy of the necessary documentation in the personal folders of the concerned academic and administrative staff.
15. Collects the Class Make-up Forms from academic personnel who are unable to give their assigned lessons during the academic year due to reasons of excused leave or with a health report, and follows the board of directors approval process of the relevant form.
16. Carries out the work and procedures of the lecturers assigned for the courses that the academic staff who cannot attend due to an excuse leave or health report during the education period and then informs this issue to the personnel responsible for arranging salary payments.
17. Follows measures, legislative decrees, directives, instructions, rules and memorandums.
18. Maintains end-of-year archiving, filing, and classification of all written documents within the relevant service area and delivers documents to the relevant administrative archival unit.
19. Completes all paperwork pertaining to the student disciplinary process.
20. Monitors the SFL student e-mail account daily.
21. Follows up the daily work of the part-time students and reports the related payroll to the relevant department in an official letter at the end of each month.
22. Maintains communication with other departments within the institution as necessary for personnel and student affairs.
23. Carries out the works and operations related to activity reports that fall into his/her area of responsibility and takes an active role in preparing the annual activity report.
24. Fulfills any other tasks assigned written or orally by the SFL management.
1. Completes all internal and external correspondences pertaining to accounting.
2. Arranges the salary payments and insucrance transactions of academic and administrative personnel.
3. Arranges the salary payments and insurance transactions of foreign instructors.
4. Follows the memorandums and notices issued by the General Directorate of Budgetary and Financial Control.
5. Completes written correspondences and paperwork pertaining to supplementary payments, payment transfers, and revisions.
6. Completes all payments pertaining to domestic and international external assignments with and without compensation for travel and food.
7. Arranges the fees received from the course activities and the exams carried out by SFL and corresponds with the relevant units.
8. Processes the Promotion-Level and Degree advancement changes of academic and administrative staff in the Payment Management System (Harcama Yönetim Sistemine, HYS).
9. Carries out the payment procedures by providing documents related to congresses, symposiums, conferences, seminars and educational activities that academic and administrative staff in SFL participated.
10. Executes the salary payments of academic and administrative staff, paying particular attention to the Additional Class (Ek Ders) payments that may be affected by cases of official leave or health reports obtained during the teaching and learning period.
11. Executes the salary payments of foreign academic staff and administrative staff, paying particular attention to salary payments that may be affected by cases of health reports obtained.
12. Follows measures, legislative decrees, directives, instructions, rules and memorandums.
13. Maintains end-of-year archiving, filing, and classification of all written documents within the relevant service area and delivers documents to the relevant administrative archival.
14. Prepares the SFL budget.
15. Follows internal control works and transactions. Taking into account the Action Plan Schedule for Compliance with the Public Internal Control Standards of our University, she/he monitors the work and processes of compliance with the internal control standards of our School, ensures that the information is kept up-to-date, and sends the prepared documents and information to the relevant units.
16. Carries out the preparatory work and monitors the "Institutional Financial Situation and Expectations Report" of our School.
17. Carries out the preparatory work for the "Annual Unit Activity Report" of our school.
18. Carries out the necessary work for the education and training activities in SFL and takes the necessary precautions, identifies all non-working, defective, or missing educational materials, and then ensures that the problems are resolved in a short time.
19. Fulfills any other tasks assigned written or orally by the SFL management.